China Heavy Duty Industrial floor PVC Tiles Interlocking factory and manufacturers | Nama Rubber

Heavy Duty Industrial floor PVC Tiles Interlocking

छोटो विवरण:

  • एफओबी पोर्ट: किंगदाओ, चीन
  • मि। अर्डर मात्रा: 200 वर्ग मीटर
  • वितरण समय: 20-30 दिन
  • भुक्तानी: टी / टी, एल / सी
  • सामाग्री: रबर पुनरावृत्ति
  • पैकिंग: Pallets
  • उत्पादन विस्तार

    उत्पादन टैग

    Item No. NM0900B
    विवरण Heavy Duty Industrial floor PVC Tiles Interlocking
    आयाम Coin, 500 x 500 mm - 7.0 mm; 510 x 510 - 5.5 mm
    Textured, 500 x 500 mm - 6.5 mm
    Diamond, 510 x 510 mm – 5.5 mm
    रंग सेतो, कालो, गाढा खैरो, हल्का खैरो, रातो हरियो, नीलो, पहेंलो
    आवेदन ग्यारेज, गोदाम, ल्याब, कम्प्युटर कोठा, फोर्कलिफ्ट काम



    1 तल्ला गरिब वेयर प्रतिरोध र छोटो सेवा समय गराउँछ जो बोक्रा, पेंट।
    2. Over-wearing floor results in poor load bearing. Then the production would be affected due to the ground shelling, raising dust, moisture or pollution, etc.​
    3. उत्पादन तल तल नवीकरण, वितरण समय असर गर्नेछ जो रूपमा बन्द थियो।

    तल्ला समस्या

    A New Self-service Assembled PVC Floor can solve all these problems!

    परमवीर चक्र गेराज तल्ला

    Environmental-Friendly/ Anti Static/ Pressureproof/ Bearing a 8-TON Forklift

    Coming in several patterns and styles, PVC interlocking floor tiles are a modern flooring solution. The tough and flexible interlocking floor tiles were developed to provide an instant self laying floor surface, and have the feel of rubber, providing anti fatigue properties.

    heavy duty industrial PVC tiles

    Key Features

    * Easy to install; can be disassembled and moved at any time, and repeatedly used.

    * Heavy duty, suitable for forklifts, pallet trucks, cars, heavy goods vehicles and high-capacity pedestrians.

    * Excellent durability, flexible, sound & shock absorption.

    * Excellent safety & non-slip property, even in humid environments.

    * Local damage and local replacement. Partial damage and Partial replacement.

    industrial foor

    Comparisons between PVC tiles and others.

    PVC tiles interlocked

    Display cases industrial PVC tiles

    रबर को फर्श टाइल्स, रोल र मैट को प्रकार, व्यावसायिक औद्योगिक र आवासीय क्षेत्रमा आवेदन आफ्नो किसिम पूरा गर्न सक्नुहुन्छ।


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